Communion – Jesus on the Road
Share a time of recognizing Jesus walking beside you.
Show the story of when Jesus appeared to his friends along the road to Emmaus. They were very upset and confused because he had died and so they didn’t recognize him at first.
Let us say together:
The Lord is here,
His Spirit walks with us
Jesus walked with his disciples on the road to Emmaus, sharing their journey home. Listening in their confusion. Reminding them of their story. They didn’t know him in the talking and the listening – though that had helped. They didn’t know him in the walking and the journey though that had been good. But they recognised Jesus at the table. In the moment of breaking and sharing of bread they recognised Jesus. At Emmaus Jesus went in with the disciples and when he was at the table he took bread, blessed it and broke it.
Let us say together:
Jesus we invite you to this table
Stay with us
Be our guest and also our host
May we know you at this table
In the sharing of bread and wine.
Bread – Break and share the bread with everyone.
We break this bread to remember the body of Christ which is broken for us and re-shapes our story.
Eat and enjoy.
Wine – Pour wine and share with everyone.
We drink this wine to remember the blood of Christ which is shed for us and brings us new life.
Drink and enjoy.
Let us close in prayer together:
Inspire us to travel with you, and see Christ’s presence in the stories of our lives.
Thank you Jesus for sharing bread and wine with us at this table today.
Challenge our “foolishness” that believes that the story can’t be changed and that we already know the answers.
Challenge us to hear the scriptures, through the strangers who become our companions, the story and the mission that is ours.
May our hearts burn within us as we recognise you in our lives and the world around us.
Let us continue to walk along the road listening to your story and the stories of others learning more about you, ourselves and others.
Taken in part from
Communion – The Lap of Jesus
Set up: Farmhouse style table setting eg. buttered scones, oat biscuits, a big jug of red juice, a display with eggs, fruit and vegetables in a basket.
Remember when Jesus gathered the children on his knees? Try and picture it.(Matt 19:14)
Remember when Jesus said “How often I wanted to gather your children together, just as a hen gathers her brood under her wings.” (Luke 13:34)
Remember when Jesus said ‘ Come to me.. and I will give you rest.’ (Matt 11:28)
With Jesus’ spirit close to all those who call on him, we come to Him now.
Let us say together:
Jesus we invite you this table
Stay with us
Be our guest and also our host
May we know you at this table
In the sharing of this meal.
Come and take some food and drink and hold onto it so we can enjoy it together.
Serve food and drink and play relaxing music eg. ‘Nearer my God to Thee’ by the Lower Lights.
Let us breathe in the goodness of this moment, the rest of Jesus in this moment.
Moment of reflection
The Lord Jesus, on the eve of His death, shared a meal with His followers.
Taking the bread, He gave thanks, broke it, and offered it to them with these words:
This is My body broken for you. Remember Me whenever you eat.
After the meal, taking the cup of wine,
He gave thanks, and offered it to them with these words:
This is My blood poured out for you, Remember Me whenever you drink.
And so, we eat and drink in memory of Jesus and His great love.
And in this simple meal
We acknowledge the living Jesus.
We celebrate the life and rest he gives us, even today.
The meal is enjoyed.
Communion liturgy taken in part from
By Emma Morgan