Tag: Jesus

  • Two Communion Meal Liturgies

    Saints Communion  We will begin the morning in sharing the communion meal. This is something followers of Jesus have done all throughout time and will do in the future until we all eat and drink together again with Jesus. It is a beautiful thing to think that we share this meal with all the saints,…

  • A couple of communion meal liturgies

    Communion – Jesus on the Road Share a time of recognizing Jesus walking beside you. Show the story of when Jesus appeared to his friends along the road to Emmaus. They were very upset and confused because he had died and so they didn’t recognize him at first. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmmTWQn95xQ Let us say together: The Lord…

  • Lent week 4 – All-age meditation

    Lent Week 4 – The flow This fourth week of Lent is one where we reflect on life flowing into us and life flowing out from us. The readings for this week are moments in which God provides water in the desert  Exodus 17:1-7 and Jesus offers true refreshment to the Samaritan woman, ‘the first…

  • A Few Opening Meditations

    A Sunday Prayer Now is surely the moment! the time – on this first day of a new week – to worship. And as we come to be together to worship our God – let’s not miss this moment! pass it by – sit waiting for the next thing to happen – Let’s worship! Let’s…

  • A Devotion on Hospitality towards Jesus

    Here is a third study from our Lent Bible study series. It is to be enjoyed while sitting around a fire roasting some food or by a candle if that isn’t possible. We also had a piece of cinnamon bark for each person. Incase you have missed it you might enjoy this reflection for yourself. You…

  • Prayer for the Walk

    We shared this prayer in our Baptism Celebration this week.. Opening Meditation ‘ Prayer for the Walk’ Play Itunes ‘ Down to the River to Pray’ by Wanda Vick or ‘A New Life’ by Klaus Badelt I invite you to place your feet firmly on the ground. Feel the ground beneath your feet.  Notice your…