Two Communion Meal Liturgies
Saints Communion We will begin the morning in sharing the communion meal. This is something followers of Jesus have done all throughout time and will do in the future until we all eat and drink together again with Jesus. It is a beautiful thing to think that we share this meal with all the saints,…
A couple of communion meal liturgies
Communion – Jesus on the Road Share a time of recognizing Jesus walking beside you. Show the story of when Jesus appeared to his friends along the road to Emmaus. They were very upset and confused because he had died and so they didn’t recognize him at first. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmmTWQn95xQ Let us say together: The Lord…
World Communion Sunday Communion Liturgy
Prayers we shared yesterday at our World Communion service. Today is world communion Sunday. On this first Sunday of October, we celebrate with churches all around the world our family of faith in all it’s rich diversity. We celebrate our oneness – our communion – in Christ, in the midst of a world still in…
Easter Friday Music – 'As a Seed Falls'
A beautiful piece of music written and performed by Tim Barrow. This song was used in reflection as we shared communion at our Tenebrae service.
Communion Meal – The Jack Pine Tree
Today we have communion meal. This is a time where we remember Jesus’ life. There is a song that I love called ‘The Jack Pine.’ It reminds me of how Jesus’ death has bought life to others. The jack pine tree has its seeds hidden in thick pine cones. The only way these seeds can…
Prayers, communion & spice quiz on World Communion Sunday
Grace over our Feast Prayer of St Norman patron saint of hungry middle aged slightly balding asian men… with spectacles Dear God Thank you for the gift of difference Thank you that by your love your grace your sacrifice we are all wonderfully created unique and beautiful – each of us a pixel in a…
Communion Liturgy – Welcoming Hands
Materials: Brown paper spread over two trestle tables, communion meal in centre, markers and pastels. Image of Aboriginal hand painting. Introduction: When Jesus was preparing to die and prove his true power and authority, he looked at his friends who he loved so much and asked that we always remember him over a meal.…
Wattle Communion
Wattle Communion Set-up – Wattle branches laid on the table with baskests of juice and damper made with sprinkles of acacia seed throughout. (Available at Kuranga Nursery) Wattle Communion It is our time of worship now and we will share in our wattle communion story. In our praise and thanksgiving we remember the ways of…
Communion Prayer
Here, O my Lord, I see thee Here, O my Lord, I see thee face to face; Here would I touch and handle things unseen; Here grasp with firmer hand eternal grace, And all my weariness upon thee lean. … This is the hour of banquet and of song; This is the heavenly table spread…