Lent week 4 – All-age meditation

Lent Week 4 – The flow
This fourth week of Lent is one where we reflect on life flowing into us and life flowing out from us. The readings for this week are moments in which God provides water in the desert  Exodus 17:1-7 and Jesus offers true refreshment to the Samaritan woman, ‘the first evangelist.’ John 4:5-42.
Our ‘flow’ passage to spend time with is Exodus 17:3b-7.
Kids may like to watch a slideshow story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman and think about the rest of her town meeting Jesus and how Jesus might have made them feel. Year A – Lent 3 Mar 19 2017 Bible Story John 4
Exodus 17:3b-7 (The Voice)
Israelites: Why did you lead us out of Egypt? Was it to kill all of us—our children and livestock included—with this thirst?
Moses had had enough of their complaints, so he cried out to the Eternal One.
Moses: What am I supposed to do with these people and their relentless complaining? They are on the verge of stoning me.
Eternal One (to Moses): Here’s what I want you to do: go on ahead of the people and take some of the elders of Israel with you. Also, be sure to bring your shepherd’s staff—the one with which you struck the Nile. I will be there when you arrive standing at the rock of Horeb. I want you to strike the rock with your staff; and when you do, water will flow out of it so that everyone will have enough to drink.
The elders of Israel accompanied Moses and watched as he did what the Eternal directed.
Moses named the place Massah and Meribah, because the Israelites complained and tested the Eternal, saying, “Is He standing with us or not?”
Read through this passage a few times. Reflect on anything that strikes you from this story.
Invite the Holy spirit to show you where you may be thirsty and where God may be standing, waiting for you.
All-age Action:
In the story of the Israelites and in the story of the Samaritan woman we see “..that if we drink from the fountain of the love and compassion of God, we become a fountain of love and compassion. If we receive the Spirit of God, we will give the Spirit of God. The life we receive is the life we give.” -Jean Vanier
When do you experience God’s life coming into you? Notice with thankfulness the people, places or times where Gods love flows to you.
Follow any ideas that bubble up in you throughout the week where the Holy Spirit may be wanting to pour life and blessing through you to someone else.
Resource for kids story: http://ctm.uca.edu.au/children-and-families/lenten-intergenerational-lectionary-based-resources/