the Lord's prayer stations
Here are four stations for worship and prayer that we enjoyed this week. They are simple and easy to set up and can be decorated more elaborately if you have time and space. Station 1 Extra set up: the word Father in italic print on the wall and coloured markers or pastels. Our…
Meditations on the Trinity
Here three meditations from our Trinity Sunday service taken from the Lectionary readings. These can be used for personal devotions or set up as three stations in a group setting. We divided into groups and spent about ten minutes at each one. Trinity – God the Father Setting: Places to sit, a vase of greenery,…
Communion Liturgy – Welcoming Hands
Materials: Brown paper spread over two trestle tables, communion meal in centre, markers and pastels. Image of Aboriginal hand painting. Introduction: When Jesus was preparing to die and prove his true power and authority, he looked at his friends who he loved so much and asked that we always remember him over a meal.…
Psalm Workshop over Dinner
Set-up: Paper strips, pencils, a single letter on each table spelling out a special word to the community eg. ehills, blutac To begin our evening of poetry we are going to write our own psalm to God, who is the whole reason we come together. The psalms are a book of poems to God from every…
Wattle Communion
Wattle Communion Set-up – Wattle branches laid on the table with baskests of juice and damper made with sprinkles of acacia seed throughout. (Available at Kuranga Nursery) Wattle Communion It is our time of worship now and we will share in our wattle communion story. In our praise and thanksgiving we remember the ways of…