Lent week 6 – All-age meditation
Lent Week 5 – New This sixth week of Lent is one where we reflect on the new life that God brings into our hearts and bones. The readings for this week are moments in which God gives Ezekiel a picture of restoration for his people Ezekiel 37:1-14 and Jesus brings one of his best…
Lent Week 3 – All-age meditation
Lent Week 3 – Friendship This third week of Lent is one where we think about our relationship with God. The old testament reading for this week is about God calling the great elder Abram to leave his home country, and promises that he will be blessed and will be a blessing to others and…
Lent Week 1 – All-age meditation & action
Lent Lent is the time from this coming Wednesday that goes until Easter. It’s a special time when we get ready for Easter. A time when God’s people all over the world really think about our friendship with God and spend more time with God. The word Lent means “Spring” or “springtime”. A time of growing…