Make an Easter Tree – Lent Week 4

Decorate around the base of your tree with cups. Mugs, egg cups, pretty ones, funny ones.. (That can be filled with goodies on Easter Sunday!)
Explanation: Cups remind us of lots of things and have a special place in lots of stories, prayers and conversations in the bible. Today our cups remind us to share with others in this season of Lent. Just as we love having a meal or picnic with other people, this cup reminds us to do nice things with others.
Think of something nice you can do with or for someone this week! Maybe you could play with someone who is a bit lonely or visit someone in a nursing home. Maybe you could write a letter, draw a picture, pick flowers or make a gift for someone who could do with a nice surprise!
The Lenten Hospitality Challenge For Adults:
How are you going so far?
Just as Lent is about opening your life to God’s Spirit working in you and renewing you from within, it is also a valuable time to put more time into others. Sit down and think about how you can bless the people God has placed around you. Maybe you could invite those neighbours you’ve been getting to know over for a meal, maybe you know someone that is going through a lonely time and you know they would love a visit. Perhaps you have other gifts and resources at your fingertips that can be a real blessing to those around you in ways i can’t even imagine. Just do it! Get out there and give it a go. And once you get a taste for it, I’m sure it will quickly turn from a discipline into a passion.
Cup Meditation
Close your eyes and relax your body.
Picture your past week as a cup, what has it held? What do you taste? What do you want to pour down the drain? what do you ask God to cleanse you of? What joys do you savour and give thanks for?
Hold your hand out as a cup and receive from God now. Invite him into your life, to fill you.
Lord let our prayers today be accepted as sweet-smelling incense in your presence. We offer up our prayers, our whole selves and our best affections. May your will be done here in this place and around the world today.