'Taste and See' Meditation

This meditation leads well into the communion meal.
Set up: Platters of fruit, paper plates and markers for the kids.
Our senses are such a gift to us. The way we experience the world and our creator God.
A big part of worship for our ancestors was offering food to God, the best of what they grew, produced or bought. There is that amazing verse that says ‘Taste and see that the Lord is good.’ Psalm 34:8.
How great is this instruction to really take in the goodness of God, to experience this love for yourself, to consume it, enjoy it, savour it? Taste is the most intimate experience.
I wonder what good things you have tasted this week? What goodness God has let you in on? Let’s take a moment to savour those gifts and give thanks.
The kids might like to decorate these paper plates as we think about the good we have tasted and you all may like to take a piece of fruit to enjoy as we pray.
What goodness have you tasted this week?..
A kind word that you have given or recieved? A moment of laughter? A good meal? A moment of rest? A connection with someone? Something that hit the spot, where you were provided with something you needed? The sweetness of forgiveness? A taste of something new in your life or community?
Savour for a moment the gift of these nourishing, flavourful experiences with a thankful heart.
Play iTunes track ‘Favor of your face’ by Sean Feucht. 

Revelation 3:20 says  “Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.”
Close this time by pulling up a seat for Jesus in your life this morning. Invite him to share this meal/this day together.