8 week crash course in navigating life with the bible

Our new Sunday series is an eight week ‘crash course in navigating life with the bible’. The aim of this series is to help us all, young and old alike, to grow in our appreciation of the breadth and depth of the bible and become more confident in allowing the bible to shape the way we live for God.  Each week we look at a different genre of the bible and provide tools and skills to help us better understand, enjoy and live the whole of the bible for the whole of life.  This is how it looks for those who like to read ahead..
29/7 Week 1.  Living Faithfully with the narrative literature – Genesis 12:1-9
5/8 Week 2.  Living Dinstinctively with the law  – Exodus 20: 1-21
12/8 Week 3. Living Poetically with the Psalms – Psalm 1
19/8 Week 4.  Living Discerningly with the wisdom literature – Proverbs 2
26/8 Week 5.  Living Prophetically with the prophets – Isaiah 40
2/9 Prayer Journey
9/9  Week 6.  Living Infectiously with the gospels – Luke 24
16/9 Week 7.  Living Purposefully with the epistles – Romans 11.25-12.2
23/9  Week 8.  Living Hopefully with the apocalyptic literature – Rev 5
This is a series based on a book by Krish Kandiah called route 66: a crash course in navigating life with the bible. http://krishk.com/route66/

2 responses to “8 week crash course in navigating life with the bible”

  1. Hope the series goes really well, might be fun as its summer for the congregation to think about reading the book together because then if people are away they can still be “on the same page” as the church.
    have a great time enjoying God’s word.

  2. Thanks Krish. We will encourage to read the book together. We are also posting the weekly bible challenge and daily posting the readings. Unfortunately we are in Melbourne Australia and it is a soggy winter right now!