Sundays this season

A warm welcome to all folk coming along this season. Your presence makes our time of celebration together all the richer!
This season our Sunday services begin at 9:30am at Wyreena Community Arts centre on Hull Rd, Croydon. Followed by a fair-trade cuppa. Please bring along a mug and camping chair if you can!
Over the next month we enjoy the rich offerings of the Lectionary. We will be challenged and nourished by the words of Jesus and stories from Jacob’s life.
Pier Francesco Mazzucchelli (Il Morazzone), Jacob Wrestling the Angel, c. 1610
Pier Francesco Mazzucchelli (Il Morazzone), Jacob Wrestling the Angel, c. 1610
July 23 – The movement of God. Jacob’s dream in Genesis 28:10-19 and Jesus’ teaching about not pulling up weeds in Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43.
July 30 – Embracing the way. Jacob ends up working for 14 years so he can marry Rachel in Genesis 29:15-28 and Jesus describes God’s way in Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52.
August 6 – God’s commitment and invitation. Jacob is injured in a fight, leaving him a changed man in Genesis 32:22-31 and Jesus tries to get some time to himself in Matthew 14:13-21.
August 13 – Rescue and welcome. Jacob’s favouritism results in his son being sold into slavery in Genesis 37:1-4,12-28 and Jesus’ friends struggle in a storm-whipped boat and Jesus comes out to join them in Matthew 14:22-33.
Our gatherings are simple, refreshing and accessible for everyone. We offer an optional ‘kids church’ program for kids twelve months to primary age in the teaching time of the service throughout school terms.
Eastern Hills Community Church is a community where all people are welcomed. We work to be a community that can come together in safety and acceptance to express our love for Jesus, learn from the bible, pray together, share in our faith and live for justice and peace in our world.