Shrove Dinner Service – Sunday Feb 26

Lent begins with a Feast!
Come join us!

An evening full to the brim
with good things
as we look to the season of Lent.
We also facetime Robynne Jeisman
– our missionary friend in SanFran.

Please bring a savoury dish
that doesn’t require heating to go with BBQ sausages.
Please label if containing nuts or eggs.
If you can help out with pancake dessert please contact Em.

4:45pm – 6:30pm Sunday Feb 26
Urban Life

A special time of worship, togetherness
and reflection for all ages.

Any enquiries contact Em on


I should like a great lake of finest ale,
for the King of Kings
I should like a table
of the choicest food,
for the family of heaven.
Let the ale be made
from the fruits of faith,
and the food be forgiving love.
I should welcome the poor to my feast,
for they are God’s children.
I should welcome the sick to my feast,
for they are God’s joy.
Let the poor sit with Jesus
at the highest place,
and the sick dance with the angels
God bless the poor, God bless the sick,
and bless our human race.
God bless our food, God bless our drink,
all homes, O God, embrace.

From the Book of Kells

Lent is an official season of the church calendar and was established as a 40 days of preparation to celebrate Easter.
The word Lent means “Spring” or “springtime”. A time of growing and changing. A time when we work at planting ourselves in God so we can grow and become a thing of beauty and restoration to the world around us.