Materials: Paper squares for each person, pens, blu tac.
Opening Prayer
Creator, source of our life,
We come to you.
May this time together be for the welcome
of your tenderness and strength in and through our lives.
In this season of change we call Spring or tadpole season,
we are stopping to remember how we are blessed and encouraged
by your beauty around us.
And as we remember the goodness of the earth and our care for it,
so too do we commit our care to your people around us.
May we as individuals and as a community,
be a kind and encouraging voice,
warm embrace,
gentle presence to all we meet this week.
May we be blessed with a flower to enjoy,
a voice to cheer us, a heart to gladden.
We breathe in your life,
as we breathe the air about us.
May we breathe it more deeply.
Adaptation of this prayer.
Prayers of Intercession – Paper planes
Optional Intro
One of the things that is dearest to me about being part of a church family is knowing that when I have a prayer need I can pass it on and my family here will be standing with me in prayer. We have seen some amazing answers to prayer lately haven’t we? Sometimes they are immediate like..(example from your community) and sometimes we wait in faith to see the answer unfold like .. (someone shares a story)
Isn’t it good to have the opportunity to bring our prayers that we carry today together? The kids, the adults, everyone.
I invite you now to take a piece of paper and pencil and we will pray for our world and community, we will love on the people and places on our hearts.
Allow time to collect paper and pens.
Who would you like to pray for this morning? Take time to sit with God and listen. See who rises to your heart this morning. It may be one person it may be a place or community. When you are ready you may like to write a simple prayer for them or draw a picture of them on your piece of paper. Just remember that others will see this prayer.
Play track ‘Along for the Ride’ by the Okey Dokey brothers.
Allow time to write prayers.
When you are ready, make your prayer into a paper plane.
When I say go, throw your plane up for someone else to catch and reach out to catch someone else’s prayer.
Spend a moment praying for that person or people on the paper. Invite the Holy Spirit to touch each of these people today.
Then write or draw anything encouraging that comes to mind as you pray and then stick it on our wall with some blue tac as we commit these people to God’s love.
Play track ‘ Spirit of the Living God’ by Vertical Church band.
Ready, set, go!
By Emma Morgan