The Yarra river is a special place. It has always been a place of ceremony, rest, food, meeting and reconciliation. What a perfect place for us to celebrate the ancient ceremony of baptism. One that takes us under the water and into the fresh air of a new life in Jesus. We are thrilled to be baptising Jarrod today and to be here as the faith community he is being baptised into. We welcome all his family and friends who are with us today.
Let’s open in prayer.
We feel the dust beneath our feet, linking us to the past where many have stood before us.
Like the wind in the gum leaves, fresh on our face, we know you are here this morning and we honour you, we welcome you, Creator God.
We hear creation breathing around us, we see this morning the beauty of your work in the earth and in this young life finding you Jesus.
We see the reign of your love growing, even today.
As the yarra flows, and the rains come, we invite your blessing to pour over Jarrod today. May our faith be deepened and refreshed in this celebration.
May we grow strong together like a deep bushland, giving life, identity, home and shelter, food, healing and peace to life around us. In the name of Jesus, our brother and our Leader, walking with us.