Blessings of Peace and Welcome for your Doorway

In a time where violence, fighting, stress and loneliness enters our homes in so many ways, we want to pray peace, protection and welcome on the places we live.
When Jesus sent his friends into towns and villages to stay in peoples homes and do his good work, he told them to always bless the homes they enter.
Jesus said..
“Whenever you enter someone’s home, first say, ‘May God’s peace be on this house.’ Luke 10:5 New Living Translation (NLT)
You may like to make a tin cross to place in your doorway as we did in our last evening service. Simply cut out the shape of a cross from a tinfoil baking tray. Listen to some relaxing music and be open to God’s presence as you engrave patterns or pictures into it with a knitting needle or pointed chopstick. It works best if the surface underneath has a bit of give, like a towel, or on carpet. We used the paper lids that came with our foil trays.
Idea from here:

For the Church House
We dedicate this house to you
and your work as the God of Peace.
May it be a place of joy, laughter and freedom,
A place of renewal and refreshment
for those who are weary,
A place of hope
for those who have become disillusioned,
A place of healing and comfort
for those broken and hurt,
A place of forgiveness
for those who seek a new way of life,
A place of encouragement
for those who hunger and thirst
for peace and justice,
A place of vision and inspiration
for all those who seek a new and better way
for our country.

(Dedication Prayer from the Corrymeela Community, published in Human Rites: Worship Resources for an Age of Change
compiled by Hannah Ward and Jennifer Wild, London: Mowbray, 1995, p.90)

Blessings for the Entrance of your Home or Room
“The LORD will protect you
as you come and go, now and forever.”

Psalm 121:8

May you have –
Walls for the wind
And a roof for the rain,
And drinks beside the fire
Laughter to cheer you
And those you love near you,
And all that your heart may desire

-Celtic Blessing

Bless this house and those within
Bless our giving and receiving
Bless our words and conversation
Bless our hands and recreation
Bless our sowing and our growing
Bless our coming and our going
Bless all who enter and depart
Bless this house, your peace impart

– Celtic Blessing

May God give blessing
To this house and all who come here.
May Jesus give blessing
To this house and all who come here.
May Spirit give blessing
To this house and all who come here.
May all who come here give blessing
To this house and to all they meet here.
Both roof and frame
Both brick and beam.
Both window and timber
Both foot and head.
Both gate and door
Both coming and going.
Both man and woman
Both parent and child.
Both young and old
Both wisdom and youth.
Both guest and host
Both stranger and friend.
Peace on each window that lets in light
Peace on each corner of the room.
Peace on each place that ushers sleep
Peace on each plate that cradles food.
Peace of the Father, Peace of the Son
Peace of the Spirit, Peace of the One.

(Prayer form the Iona Community, published in Human Rites: Worship Resources for an Age of Change compiled by Hannah Ward and Jennifer Wild, London: Mowbray, 1995, p.76-77)