Photograph by Matthew Wiebe
Intro to Palm Sunday
Today we remember the special journey Jesus took into Jerusalem the week before he was killed. Like a king Jesus rode into the city and Jesus’ followers started getting excited, they thought he was going to make himself King and the crowd got bigger and bigger, shouting, cheering, waving palm branches. A few days later they would be shouting for his death.
When Jesus was around, waving palms was the way people showed their respect and excitement for a famous person – like throwing confetti. This is why we call it Palm Sunday.
Worship Activity – Provide post it notes, pens, palms up the front with confetti around.
What would you like to shout out to Jesus if you saw him riding past you today? If he was riding down this road out here and you got eye contact?
I invite you to write or draw what you would want to say to Jesus and then come and stick your shout to the palms up here.
Play track – Take a Moment by Will Reagen
Lord God, loving Friend and Parent, You deserve our worship, our love and our devotion,
Because You have entered our broken world, You have joined us on our journey of pain and pleasure, of sorrow and joy,
And have given us access to life eternal and abundant.
We lift our voices to praise You, O God.
We celebrate Your coming to us,
Not with political power or military might,
Not with glamour or fame or wealth,
But in humility and love,
gently and with great compassion.
We lift our voices to praise You, O God.
John Van De Laar
Palm Sunday Reading Reflection – Provide A4 pieces of clear contact and a permanent marker/sharpie for each person.
Imagine Jesus as he walks our city, where we live. Think about Melbourne through Jesus’ eyes. What does he see? I invite you to draw places in your town, and what Jesus might see. Where might Jesus cry like he did? Where might Jesus get angry like he did? Where might Jesus laugh and be blessed and be shown great hospitality? Draw with permanent markers your city, your town through Jesus’ eyes on the contact and then stick it to the windows (or walls) around us.
Play relaxing music – While the music plays talk to people about their windows and write down what they are about for liturgy below.
Jesus invites us to follow him, to keep walking with him and see our town through his eyes, and do what he might to in our city. He will help us as he walks beside us in his resurrected power.
We see … (description of what someone has drawn)
Keep walking, keep walking,
All: In the Spirit of Christ keep walking.
(Repeat to cover other pictures)
Liturgy inspired by the work of Lindy Croucher.
For the full liturgy/All age worship service contact Emma Morgan at