Greening of the Cross
Play dvd clip ‘God’s Wonderful Surprise’ from the Jesus Storybook Bible
What a wonderful mystery is this God, this power, this life beyond death.
Jesus, the first of the sleepers has risen.
Power is His to wake us all from darkness.
To bring life into every place.
We like Mary, bring ourselves to the tomb this morning, searching for Jesus.
May He call each of us by name, may he open our eyes through his power, may we each have a message of hope to share.
I invite you to spend a moment in stillness. Consider where your heart longs to see life, to see darkness woken to light, to see a new hope.
I invite you now to take a piece of greenery and bring it to the cross as an offering of thanksgiving to God and as a prayer for hope and life for those here and in our hearts.
Play itunes track ‘We Bought a Zoo’ by Jonsi and lyrics clip of Gungor’s ‘Beautiful Things’
How do we understand the mystery of your death and life, Jesus?
How do we explain it?
We can only live it;
allowing it to permeate every grain
of this sand that forms us,
every thought, every priority, every act and every interaction,
For then we are your witnesses,
and you deserve nothing less from us.
John van de Laar