Sundays in September

September – Spring Clean 2013

It’s spring. There is a scent of hope in the air. We are climbing out of our winter caves and having a big stretch. There is some dusting off to do. It has become a bit stale in there. Time to open the windows, let some fresh air in and get out into the sun. This annual series is about allowing God to give us a bit of a spring clean, freeing us of some of the grease and clutter that has been building up and uncovering who God has created us to be, in his power and love. We look forward to hearing from Toli Morgan, Geoff Hall, Johnny Waterson & Stuart Devenish this series.
September Sundays 10:15am
September 22 is Kids Mission Day! This Term they are having a Fairtrade Chocolate Party. Be ready to purchase fairtrade chocolate treats at their special stall after the service.

October 6 – Dinner Service

Celebrating World Communion Sunday.

A  celebration of the church around the world over a multicultural feast!


RSVP to Sara by 29/9 at