Spring Prayer
A sleeping world emerges to new possibilities,
For the cycle of life
Which brings death and rebirth
We rejoice in the promise of Spring
For lengthening days, for time to play after dinner
And sunlight’s warmth upon the soil and our faces
We rejoice in the promise of Spring
For colour, design and renewal in creation and in our stories
Reflecting our Creator’s artistry
We rejoice in the promise of Spring
For new life, for clean slates, for the noisy baby magpies
Their joy and exuberance
We rejoice in the promise of Spring
For all of creation
And the majesty of its Creator
We rejoice in the promise of Spring
Inspired by a prayer at: http://www.faithandworship.com/Imbolc_praying_though_the_Celtic_year.htm#ixzz27Y0IeKuB