Advent Sundays

Djawakalang working on our Advent Banner.  Djawakalang will be sharing with us about this when he comes down!

Nov 25 – Dec 25
Advent Services
We follow the traditional church calendar throughout this beautiful season, beginning each week at 10:30am with the lighting of the advent wreath.
(On A Theme by Dietrich Bonhoeffer)
Pamela Cranston
Look how long
the weary world waited,
locked in its lonely cell,
guilty as a prisoner.
As you can imagine,
it sang and whistled in the dark.
It hoped. It paced and puttered about,
tidying its little piles of inconsequence.
It wept from the weight of ennui,
draped like shackles on its wrists.
It raged and wailed against the walls
of its own plight.
But there was nothing
the world could do
to find its own freedom.
The door was shut tight.
It could only be opened
from the outside.
Who could believe the latch
would be turned by a pink flower —
the tiny hand
of a newborn baby?
© by Pamela Cranston, 2011
Special Advent Evening Service Wednesday 21 December
This time will be at 7-9pm at  CCC 17-19 Surrey Rd West, Croydon.

A wonderfully cosy night of mince tarts & tea, prayerful anticipation, story and song for the whole family!

Christmas Day Celebration 10am Sunday 25  December
10am – 11am at CCC 17-19 Surrey Rd, West Croydon.
A beautifully colourful Celebration! Please be on time.
Sunday 1 January – No Service
New Years Reflection Sunday 7 January
10:30am – 11:30am at CCC 17-19 Surrey Rd, West Croydon.
A refreshing time of reflection on the year past and year to come.