Winter Moments

Some moments from our service this week.. Rain Meditation   It has been very wet, we have often fallen asleep listening to the rain this week. Water has an amazing voice, in the bible someone describes God’s voice as the sound of rushing waters. Spend some time relaxing your body, close your eyes and just listen to the sound of water. Play Itunes tracks ‘Rain in the Country’ from Sounds of the Earth and ‘Rolling Thunder with Steady Rain’ from Nature Sounds. What prayers rise to the surface of your mind as you listen to the water? Can you can write these feelings, words, or pictures of prayer on the pieces of paper? Don’t think too much, just let them float and bubble out of you. Holy Spirit, we abandon ourselves to you. Like the winter rain, we invite you to fill us from our head to our toes, may we soak deeply in your Love this morning. Communion Resource Helen C shared this with film with us as she led communion. It is called ‘Practising Resurrection Promo Three’ by Cris Rogers.   Blessing on the Reading   In a moment Andrea will bring us the reading for today. In the midst of life, may these moments where we stop to read scripture and talk about it – be real light to us by the power of the Holy spirit with us.  May these times be a moment of rich communion and conversation with God. May we be able to say about God’s word – throughout even the winter seasons of our life, something like this poet said so long ago.. “ I have known these words hang star-like O’er a dreary waste of years, And they only shone the brighter Looked at through a mist of tears; While a weary wanderer gathers Hope and heart on life’s dark way, By their faithful promise shining Clearer day by day.” Legends and Lyrics As we prepare for the reading, enjoy meditating on this painting. Play Itunes track ‘Le Onde’ by Ludovico Einaudi and slide of Van Gogh’s ‘Night Stars.’ by Emma Morgan