Please note that the last contact information we sent out was linked to an old site. A new site is coming soon, until then you can contact Dave at the address below.
RwandanStories is a close-up look at genocide and recovery in Rwanda.
Their new curriculum package, Dangerous Ideas, will draw together a remarkable collection of video, photography and journalism, exploring the origins, details and aftermath of the Rwandan genocide through the eyes of both victims and perpetrators.
This curriculum aims to build an in-depth understanding of our inclination towards prejudice, as individuals and as groups. Using ideas road-tested at the edges of experience, among survivors of genocide, it looks at the possibilities for reconciliation, rebuilding and tolerance. It includes a wide range of classroom activities to help students think through the values, ideas and actions which can either create prejudice or build peace.
For information about this new resource contact Dave Fullerton, John Steward and Sally Morgan at that’s a link to the old website. The new one isn’t live yet. Perhaps just replace it with my rwandan email address…
For more information about this new resource, contact Dave Fullerton at