I invite all of you to take a piece of playdough and have a think about something that God has provided for you this week that you are very thankful for eg. It might be a meal, a game or toy, a friend, a pet, your home. Make that thing out of the playdough.
Invite everyone to bring up their creations to the display table.
We have already been praying as we made our playdough pieces but I will say a prayer for all of us now;
God thankyou for the way you provide for us. We thankyou for these things that we have remembered this morning.
We thankyou for church too, a community where we can love you together. You are wonderful and powerful and we come together today to say that we love you and we ask that you make us more like you. Amen.
Bubbles of Blessing
We are going to pray a special prayer for you now and as these bubbles fall on you, so do our blessings.
May you kids grow strong and happy. May truth be found on your words, stories, songs and dances. May faith, love, hope, compassion, justice and mercy be found in your heart. May you be a blessing to those around you and bring honour to God in your unique ways. May the Light of the World lead you in peace and joy to a full and wonderful life in Jesus. Amen.
Closing Affirmation
We believe in God, the creator and giver of life, who brought all creation to birth, who mothers and fathers us, protecting, nurturing, and cherishing us.
We believe in Jesus Christ; God born among us as a fragile baby, embodying both love and the need for love, and calling us to rest in God as trustingly as a tiny child.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, breathed into us at our birth, always drawing us to be born again, encouraging, exhorting, comforting, nourishing our growth and inspiring our living.
And we believe that each new child is a glimpse of the face of God, a sign of the life to come, and a call to live in peace and celebrate living together. Amen.
This prayer is taken from