Meditations on the Emblems of the Holy Spirit

476141845_4106182663April 11 – March 23
As we head towards Pentecost in the church calendar, we will be looking at the biblical emblems (or symbols) of the Holy Spirit. Each emblem beautifully expresses something of the Holy Spirit’s personality and healing ministry. The Holy Spirit is moving in each of us to enliven, to nurture, to empower, to renew, to purify and to refine. Let’s open our hearts to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Eastern hills community church meets at 10:15am each Sunday at Yarrunga Community Centre. 76-86 Croydon Hills Drive, Croydon Hills.
Sunday church is a refreshing time of fairtrade tea & coffee, celebration, prayer, sharing and learning about God. Children are invited to playground church during the service.