Make an Easter Tree – Lent Week 5

Week 5 –
Decorate your tree with pretzels. Real or fake. (chenille stick or cardboard and glitter ones are fun!)
Explanation: Pretzels have an important meaning during Lent. Pretzels were made in the fifth century as a Lenten food in Austria, Germany, and Poland. People began to make them on Ash Wednesday, the very first day of Lent. The word “pretzel” is a German word meaning “little arms.” The dough was shaped in such a way to look like two arms crossed in prayer. In those days they crossed their arms over the chest while praying. Pretzels were made to take the place of bread, since milk, eggs, and fats were not used during Lent. On certain days during Lent it was the custom to give pretzels to the townspeople who were poor.
For Kids: Perhaps you would like to draw a picture of someone you would like to pray for this week and put it somewhere special so you remember to pray for them each day!
Pretzel prayer
Dear God, we ask you to bless these pretzels which we are about to eat.  Each time we eat them from now on may we be reminded of the season of Lent, a time of prayer. Help us to remember to put our arms around others, to pray for those who need our prayers each day. Keep your loving arms around us, O God, to protect us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
For Adults: A Meditation
Spend some time soaking in God’s presence,
This is a time to Invite him into your company and ask for his and then to sit quietly together.
“And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, ““Abba, Father.” Abba is an Aramaic term for “father.”
Simply ask God, “who shall I hold in my prayers this week?” Write the answer just as it rises to the mind. Don’t be deliberate, Be open to His spirit guiding you, giving you love for others.
Into your presence we come, Lord
a few moments of quietness
in a busy world
Such sanctuary
We come to honour, to hear and to serve you.
Breathe on us now
that we might know you
your power
to see this week through.