Some ideas I am loving this week from friends in the eh community..

The Marble Jar – pop a marble in the jar for every positive behavior or action you wish to encourage.. in our fam this round it is going to be for kind actions and good manners. (Not just for the kids!) When the jar is full you celebrate with the previously agreed on activity together eg. Go to the movies.
Thanks to the Colston fam for this fun.
Picture Prayer Diary – Create a prayer diary where you draw your prayers to Jesus.  We draw three things.
1. Something we want to tell Jesus about our day.
2. Something we want to thank Jesus for.
3. Someone we want to pray for.
Thanks to the Coyles for this one. Ezra drew a car one night and they were given one the next day!
Letter Writing Night – After dinner everyone gets letter writing stuff and stamps around the dining table and writes a letter to someone.
This is a cosy social event with Michaela’s family.
Tea leaves and Beer dregs – Did you know that indoor plants love the rinsings from your empty beer bottles and cans?
Citrus trees and geraniums love your tea leaves.
Thanks to the Woods’ Companion Planting Book.
Yummo Spelt Pizza
You can get spelt flour in health food section of Woolworths or Coles.
2 cups light spelt flour
1 1/2 teaspoons quick-rising yeast
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil or other cooking oil
1 teaspoon honey
2/3 cup warm water
1 Stir first 3 ingredients together.
2 Add remaining ingredients. Stir well.
3 Knead until smooth.
4 Stretch to fit greased 10- or 12-inch pizza pan.
Add your favourite topping and cook for 20 minutes on 180C.
Thanks to Dan Gray for this winner!